resist the idiocracy

It's the

Turning the riduculous into resistance, absurdity into advocacy.A small act of rebellion in the form of a t-shirt, brought to you by the artists of Kitbash Studio. Each shirt is hand silkscreen with love and fury and a heavy dose of desire to stand against the idiocracy of the current political goon squad. Full proceeds are being donated to La Resistencia NW (, a local Seattle organization that seeks to shut down the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC), and to end all detentions and deportations in Washington State.Show you don't like bullies while knowing you're also arming those that can fight them in the courts.

Executive Ridiculous order

“For us, it is still the Gulf of Mexico, and for the entire world it is still the Gulf of Mexico”

Get a shirt

go beyond the shirt

Support bill 1232

Show your support for Washington State's House Bill 1232 (2SHB 1232) which seeks to enhance oversight of private detention facilities by broadening definitions, increasing inspection requirements, and granting the Department of Health access for unannounced inspections ensuring safe and humane treatment in for profit prisons and detention centers including the NWDC. This legislative effort aims to improve transparency and accountability within such facilities across the state.

Fight Idiocracy

Be nice not I.C.E.

Wear your shirt and share the message against arrogant bullies.

Fund Advocacy

Empower those fighting the good fight.

Each shirt is a payment to fund advocacy for those facing detention and deportation in the Northwest.